Edinburgh Tournament 2024

4-10 August 2024

The Edinburgh Tournament will be held again this year at Balgreen, where we will have the use of four bowling greens. Every effort will be made by the manager, given sufficient notice, to accommodate requests for leave in order to allow players to attend Festival events. Combined with good tram and bus links from the club to the airport and the city centre, this makes the event an ideal opportunity for a week of sporting and cultural activity.

The tournament includes AC singles class events, AC handicap singles and doubles events and a GC handicap singles event. All enquiries to the tournament secretary. Individual event timings will be published in due course.

There will be a social event sponsored by the late James Thomson on the Saturday afternoon. All competitors are welcome.

Parking is available on site. For those without a car the club has good public transport links. Visitors to Edinburgh will probably find it most convenient to stay near a tram station. Some suggestions for accommodation are:

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available in the pavilion, but we regret that we are unable to provide lunch and players are asked to bring their own.

Entry form

Event Details

Manager: Alan Wilson

Event 1: Open Singles

Trophy:The Cramond Cup
Holder:James Hopgood
Event Type:Level Advanced AC
Format:Probably American Blocks
Handicap Restriction:Max 20
Entry Fee:See Tournament Conditions

Event 2: Singles

TrophyIan H Wright Trophy
Holder:Roger Binks
Event Type:Level Advanced AC
Format:Probably American Blocks
Handicap Restriction:Min 4
Entry Fee:See Tournament Conditions

Event 3: Handicap Singles

Trophy:Silver Jubilee Salver
Holder:Mark Shanks (last competed for in 2022)
Event Type:Handicap Advanced
Format:Probably American Blocks. Advanced with Bisques
Handicap Restriction:Min 8
Entry Fee:See Tournament Conditions

Event 4: Handicap Singles

Trophy:Walter B Laing Cup
Holder:Phillip Banfill
Event Type:Handicap
Format:Probably American Block, Full-Bisque (base TBD)
Handicap Restriction:Min 14
Entry Fee:See Tournament Conditions

Event 5: Handicap Doubles

Trophy:5X: Norton Wright Trophies
5Y: Edinburgh Y Doubles Tankards
Holders:5X: Rachel Frith and James Hopgood
5Y: Bruce Bennet and George Plant
Event Type:Doubles Handicap AC
Format:Knockout and Consolation
Handicap Restriction:Combined handicap 5 or above
Entry Fee:£7.00 per player (students £4.00 per player)
Closing Date:4 August 2023

Event 6: Handicap Singles Unrestricted

Trophies:6X: The James Thomson Memorial Trophy
6X (Runner-up): Edinburgh Croquet Cup
6Y: Milne Trophy
Holders:6X: Mark Shanks
6X (Runner-up): James Hopgood
6Y: Roger Binks
Event Type:Handicap AC
Format:Knockout and Swiss Consolation
Entry Fee:See Tournament Conditions

Event 7: GC Handicap Singles Unrestricted

Trophies:Golf Croquet Trophy
Holder:Mark Shanks
Event Type:Handicap GC
Format:Probably American Blocks
Entry Fee:£8.00 (students £5.00)
Closing Date:6 August 2023

Tournament Conditions

  1. Unless otherwise stated the allocation date for all events is 23rd June and the closing date is 25th July.
  2. Players may enter only one of Events 1-4.
  3. Entry fees: For events 1,2,3,4 and 6, if entering two events, there is a combined entry fee of £32 or an entry fee of £20, if only entering one. The corresponding fees for students are £16 and £10 respectively.
  4. Players in the AC games will be guaranteed a minimum of two games per day, conditions permitting.
  5. Stated handicap limits may be altered AMD.
  6. Every effort will be made to allow leave in connection with Festival events if the Manager is given early notice.
  7. The Automatic Handicap System will be used in its Scottish form, in which handicap changes occur at the end of each day and the maximum handicaps are 24 for AC and 20 for GC (but players with higher handicaps may enter and play off 24/20).
  8. Play will start at 9.30 each morning and players should be prepared to continue playing until dusk, unless leave has been granted in advance.

Entry Form

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